Tuesday, April 8, 2008

bethefriend.blogspot.com - Colleges and Universities offering ( Totally ) Free: Technology | Accounting | Free Best Online Courses Websites | Programming Languages | Writing courses | Literature | Math |Free Biology Course


  1. Invention and Innovation: An Introduction 
  2. Systems Engineering: Challenging Complexity 
  3. Introduction to Polymers 
  4. Digital Communications 
  5. mit.edu 
  6. Sustainable Design and Technology Research Workshop 
  7. Introduction to Building Technology 
  8. Thermal Hydraulics in Power Technology 
  9. Micro/Nano Processing Technology 
  10. Introduction to the History of Technology 
  11. stanford.edu 
  12. Podcasting 
  13. Web Applications at Google 
  14. Human-Computer Interaction Seminar 
  15. here 
  16. berkeley.edu 
  17. Robotics and Art in the Information Age 
  18. The Future of Gadgets 
  19. Commercial Applications of Wireless Sensors 
  20. Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits 
  21. Microelectronic Circuits 
  22. Signals and Systems 
  23. usu.edu 
  24. Fluid Mechanics 
  25. Uncertainty in Engineering Analysis 
  26. actden.com 
  27. The Museum of Modern Technology 
  28. cmu.edu 
  29. Engineering Statics 
  30. usq.edu.au 
  31. Technology and Society 
  32. titech.ac.jp 
  33. Advanced Signal Processing 
  34. Mixed Signal Systems and Integrated Circuits 
  35. Guided Wave Circuit Theory 
  36. tudelft.nl 
  37. Methods and Algorithms for System Design 
  38. Digital Signal Processing

  1. Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting Course 
  2. Financial Accounting 
  3. Taxes and Business Strategy 
  4. open.ac.uk 
  5. Introduction to the Context of Accounting 
  6. Influences on Accounting Regulation Course 
  7. Investment Risk 
  8. cmu.edu 
  9. Micro Economics Course 
  10. kutztownsbdc.org 
  11. Accounting Courses 
  12. scob.alaska.edu 
  13. Accounting 201: Principles of Financial Accounting 
  14. uci.edu 
  15. Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning Course 
  16. gresham.ac.uk 
  17. Financial Institutions, Regulation and Compliance 
  18. 1,000 Years of Mathematics 
  19. A Single Global Financial Market 
  20. wikibooks.org 
  21. Introduction to Accountancy 
  22. Principles of Accounting 
  23. Double Entry

Free Best Online Courses Websites
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  2. open.ac.uk 
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  4. cmu.edu 
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  6. tufts.edu 
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  11. berkeley.edu 
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  15. kutztownsbdc.org 
  16. Free Kutztown University Courses Online 
  17. usq.edu.au 
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  19. uci.edu 
  20. Free UC Irvine Courses Online
Programming Languages
  1. mit.edu 
  2. Programming Languages 
  3. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 
  4. Mathematics for Computer Science 
  5. open.ac.uk 
  6. Computers and Computer Systems 
  7. Representing and Manipulating Data in Computers 
  8. Data and Processes in Computing 
  9. oercommons.org 
  10. Introduction to Programming 
  11. Concepts of Information Technology 
  12. Computational Mechanics and Materials 
  13. usq.edu.au 
  14. Object Oriented Programming in C++ 
  15. Creating Interactive Multimedia 
  16. u-tokyo.ac.jp 
  17. Computational Linguistics 
  18. Communication Systems 
  19. korea.edu 
  20. Information Security 
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  22. wikibooks.org 
  23. Computer Programming Textbook 
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  26. landofcode.com 
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  30. Landofcode.com 
  31. webmonkey.com 
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  35. free-ed.net 
  36. Fundamentals of Java Course 
  37. Fundamentals of C++ Course 
  38. Fundamentals of Visual Basic
Environmental Courses
  1. mit.edu 
  2. Environmental Earth Science 
  3. Past and Present Climate 
  4. Global Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy 
  5. usu.edu 
  6. Avalanche and Snow Dynamics 
  7. Wildland Fire Management and Planning 
  8. tufts.edu 
  9. Agricultural Science and Policy I Course 
  10. Theories of Public Policy 
  11. Tropical Ecology and Conservation Course 
  12. jhsph.edu 
  13. Environmental Health 
  14. Tropical Environmental Health 
  15. Nutritional Health, Food Production, and the Environment 
  16. open.ac.uk 
  17. Eutrophication 
  18. Climate Change 
  19. Achieving Public Dialog 
  20. epa.gov 
  21. Basic Concepts in Environmental Science 
  22. Watershed Management Training 
  23. Air Pollution Control Orientation Course 
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  25. nalgep.org 
  26. Local Government Climate Change Strategies 
  27. Clean Communities on the Move 
  28. Smart Growth for Clean Water
Free Writing Courses

  1. Introduction to Fiction 
  2. Writing and Reading Short Stories 
  3. Advanced Essay Workshop 
  4. usu.edu 
  5. Intro to Writing Academic Prose 
  6. Intermediate Research Writing 
  7. Technology for Professional Writers 
  8. open.ac.uk 
  9. Fiction Writing Course 
  10. Descriptive Writing Course 
  11. Essay Writing Course 
  12. utah.edu 
  13. Introduction to Shakespeare 
  14. Introduction to Creative Writing 
  15. wgu.edu 
  16. Rhetorical and Critical Writing 
  17. Language and Communications 
  18. Literature Course - Parts I and II 
  19. owl.english.purdue.edu 
  20. Pattern and Variation in Poetry 
  21. Proofreading Your Writing 
  22. Conquering the Comma 
  23. lifewrite.com 
  24. 9-Week Introduction to Screenwriting Course 
  25. newsu.org 
  26. Cleaning Your Copy 
  27. Beat Basics and Beyond 
  28. Covering Breaking News 
  29. ezineuniversity.com 
  30. Writing Clearly and Effectively 
  31. Conquering Confusing Words 
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  33. wikiversity.org 
  34. Introduction to Web Writing 
  35. Technical Writing Courses 
  36. Narrative Dialog Editing
Free history courses
  1. mit.edu 
  2. American History to 1865 
  3. The World Since 1492 
  4. The Ancient World: Rome 
  5. berkeley.edu 
  6. History of the Roman Empire 
  7. The Making of Modern Europe 
  8. History 181B: Modern Physics 
  9. RealPlayer 
  10. nd.edu 
  11. African American History II 
  12. Faith and the American Experience 
  13. Islamic Societies of the Middle East and North Africa: Religion, History and Culture 
  14. wgu.edu 
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  17. Geography, U.S. History and Governments Parts I and II 
  18. ceu.edu 
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  25. umb.edu 
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  27. montereyinstitute.org 
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  29. utah.edu 
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  31. usu.edu 
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Free Literature
  1. mit.edu 
  2. Major English Novels Course 
  3. wgu.edu 
  4. Literature Course- Parts I and II 
  5. utah.edu 
  6. Introduction to Shakespeare 
  7. berkely.edu 
  8. Shakespeare Course 
  9. shef.ac.uk 
  10. Criticism and Literary Theory Course 
  11. open.ac.uk 
  12. Approaching Prose Fiction 
  13. usu.edu 
  14. Introduction to Writing
Math Course
  1. mit.edu 
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  5. umb.edu 
  6. Calculus I Course 
  7. Calculus II Course 
  8. Calculus III Course 
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  12. usu.edu 
  13. Calculus I Course 
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  15. open.ac.uk 
  16. Introductory Math Course 
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  26. harvard.edu 
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  28. xyalgebra.org 
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Free Biology Courses

  1. mit.edu 
  2. Introductory Biology Course 
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  5. arizona.edu 
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  9. utah.edu 
  10. Principles of Biology Course 
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  12. umb.edu 
  13. General Biology I Course 
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  15. berkeley.edu 
  16. General Biology Course 
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  19. cmu.edu 
  20. Modern Biology Course 
  21. leeds.ac.uk 
  22. Human Biology Course

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